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Doubt is the father of invention.
-- Galileo Galilei


Friday, December 30, 2011

Transform limitations

Every limitation is nothing more than a situation you’ve chosen to consider as, and to handle as, a limiting factor. Though you often cannot change the underlying situation, you can quickly and easily change the way you perceive and deal with it.

The very definition of a limitation is something that can stop you or hinder you. As such, the reason anything becomes a limitation is because you assume it to be a limitation.

However, you can always choose to make a different assumption. You can decide to focus on the positive possibilities, and to make use of them in moving forward.

Yes, life is very often difficult, complicated and challenging. Yet for every factor that threatens to hold you back, there are dozens of other possibilities for moving forward.

The limitations are not really what hold you back. To the degree that you are hindered, it is because you put more focus, energy and effort into negative thoughts and excuses than into positive possibilities and effective actions.

Sure, life is tough, but you have what it takes to create great value and fulfillment no matter what the obstacles. Remind yourself often of your own positive power, and transform every limitation into a reason to succeed.

— Ralph Marston

New special feature: Five ways to raise your awareness to a higher level.

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