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I quote others only in order the better to express myself.
-- Michel de Montaigne


Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Made to make a difference

Doing only what is easy and convenient, comfortable and free of challenge, doesn’t get you very far. Chasing after something for nothing ends up getting you nothing of real value.

In order to experience true fulfillment in any undertaking, you must invest yourself in it. It is your active participation and contribution to life that makes it so good to live.

If you continually take the easy way out, avoiding effort, challenge and commitment, you’ll end up being very disappointed. You are made to make a difference, so embrace every opportunity to do so.

You are here to participate, not just to observe. The true joy you feel will come not from meaningless possessions or empty pleasures, but from creating and expressing and experiencing the goodness of life in your own unique way.

Don’t waste your precious time in a fruitless attempt to get something for nothing. In every moment there are plenty of opportunities to create real value that flows from the authentic beauty of who you are.

Your deepest desires and your most difficult problems are challenging you to make a positive difference. Do yourself a big favor, accept the challenge, make the effort, and create the true fulfillment that is your destiny.

— Ralph Marston

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