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What is to give light must endure the burning.
-- Victor Frankl


Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Live with substance

Make your life mean something. Make your moments count.

Don’t merely get by, and don’t just settle for keeping up appearances. Live with substance and live with meaning.

It’s easy to get caught up in being trendy and popular, and to think that those things are all that matter. Yet you are capable of so very much more.

It’s easy to get discouraged when the little things don’t go your way. But remind yourself that the little disappointments will soon pass, and you’ll have new opportunities for real fulfillment.

What you can do with this moment is far more important than the little distractions that come your way. What you can do with your life is far more important than the pains and disappointments that occasionally trouble you.

Remember often how truly unique you are, and how precious and powerful your life is. Then, easily, naturally, and joyfully, fill each day and live each moment with meaning and purpose.

— Ralph Marston

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