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Henceforth I ask not good fortune. I myself am good fortune.
-- Walt Whitman


Saturday, February 4, 2012

The vision inside

Achievement flows from the inside out. To experience an exceptional life on the outside, you must nurture exceptionally positive values on the inside.

You cannot be angry, resentful, envious or cynical on the inside and expect to achieve anything of value. No matter where you might attempt to direct it, your negativity hurts you more than anyone else.

The great thing is, you can experience an outstanding life if you will constantly and persistently envision an outstanding life. That positive vision will itself drive your actions to ensure its own fulfillment.

There is great and unique beauty living within you. Connect with it, acknowledge it, express it and watch as your actions create corresponding beauty in the world around you.

Achievement begins, continues and culminates with the vision of achievement that lives inside you. Fulfillment flows naturally and unceasingly from the integrity of your inner self.

Keep that inner vision strong, and keep that integrity intact. The whole of life surrounding you is eagerly awaiting the full expression of the beautiful vision that lives inside you.

— Ralph Marston

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