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You cannot get ahead while you are getting even.
-- Dick Armey


Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Go one better

Do circumstances demand that you get up an hour earlier? Then put yourself firmly in control, go one better, and get up two hours earlier.

As long as you’re making the effort, make it count. Rather than doing just the minimum required to merely get by, do the maximum of which you’re capable.

Don’t just break even by giving what you’re expected to give. Go one better, and exceed everyone’s expectations.

A little bit of extra effort will end the frustration of always playing catch-up. Instead of constantly being run over by the problems, you’ll be out in front, ready and waiting to transform them into opportunities.

Instead of resenting what you must do, rejoice at the opportunity to make a difference. Instead of casting yourself as a victim of low expectations, raise those expectations higher and higher through your commitment to excellence.

Life asks much of you, and with a little extra effort you can go one better. Go one better, and earn the ability to joyfully live life on your own best terms.

— Ralph Marston

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