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We are perishing for want of wonder, not for want of wonders.
-- G. K. Chesterton


Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Take a step back

Step back from the loud and pressing concerns of the moment. Step back, get some perspective, and remind yourself of how good life can be.

Many of the things you see as problems would have been considered to be blessings by people in an earlier era. Think of how good you have it, and of how you can make good and fulfilling use of what you do have.

You are able to make a difference, and that ability can literally take you anywhere you wish to go. Though your efforts may be difficult and challenging, those efforts give you some extremely valuable options.

Don’t take those options for granted by letting them sit idle and unused. Instead, take them to heart and consider how you can make life richer and more beautiful by making use of what you have.

Take a step back, and look objectively at where you are. What you will see is the great and wonderful opportunity that is your life.

Now, while you have it, seize that opportunity. Life is always good, because you can always make it better.

— Ralph Marston

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