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Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.
-- Robert F. Kennedy


Friday, April 6, 2012

Push yourself forward

There are plenty of obstacles that can stand in your way. Don’t be one of them.

Your own thoughts, assumptions and fears can hold you back just as surely as a solid brick wall. And yet, just as you created those self-imposed obstacles, you can let them go.

Instead of fighting against yourself, use the amazing power of your thoughts to more fully enable yourself. Instead of constructing elaborate excuses for avoiding your dreams, just go ahead and let yourself live those dreams.

Yes, life is difficult and challenging, and requires great effort and commitment on your part. Instead of adding to the difficulty with your own negativity, you can choose to enthusiastically transform that difficulty into profound fulfillment.

Remind yourself what a privilege it is to be alive, and to be able to make a difference. Then, focus your awareness on the positive possibilities and do what you do best.

Use your thoughts not to hold yourself back, but to push yourself positively and lovingly forward. Aim the power of your thoughts in a positive, fulfilling direction and your whole life will go in that direction too.

— Ralph Marston

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