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Everything is material for the seed of happiness, if you look into it with inquisitiveness and curiosity.
-- Pema Chodron


Friday, April 13, 2012

Needless needs

One of the most disabling assumptions is the assumption of need. Consider that much of what you assume you need, you really don’t.

Remember, just because everyone else has some particular thing, does not mean you need it too. Just because someone says you need something, doesn’t mean you really need it.

If you’re being held back by the need to satisfy your needs, stop and ask yourself a key question about each one. Do you really need it?

Life can be difficult, and yet there’s no sense in adding to the burden. Instead of assuming more and more needs, choose to question those needs.

Live more by intention, and less by reaction. Put your time and effort into those things that create real fulfillment for your life, rather than into needless needs.

Choose your own priorities, based on what’s most important to you. Let go of the need to need so much, and free yourself to live life at its authentic best.

— Ralph Marston

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