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Science and art belong to the whole world, and before them vanish the barriers of nationality.
-- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Open-ended experience

What you’re able to do is not a function of what other people think of you or allow you to do. What you’re able to do depends on what you expect of yourself and on what you choose to do with your time.

If you allow others to define you, then you enable them to control you. Choose instead to take full responsibility for your own life, and to do whatever is necessary to bring real fulfillment.

The world will throw all sorts of assumptions your way about what is possible and what is not possible. Look beyond the presumptions and limitations that others imagine, and connect with your own highest vision of how life can be.

The fact is, you can achieve what you set your mind and your efforts to achieve, with honor, integrity and joy. Life is an open-ended experience, and the results you achieve come from what you expect to achieve and what you work to achieve.

Certainly, you can be fruitfully guided by the past experiences in your own life and in the lives of others. Yet nothing about what has already been has to stand in the way of the best you can now be.

Focus less on what others think of you, and more on bringing your own unique beauty more fully to life. Make the commitment to live each moment with richness and authentic purpose, and show all of life how very much goodness you’re able to give.

— Ralph Marston

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