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Not the fruit of experience but experience itself, is the end.
-- Walter Pater


Thursday, May 17, 2012

The gift of today

You have a wonderful, beautiful, valuable gift with which you can literally transform your life. That gift is this day you’re now living.

This very day is overflowing with rich and meaningful possibilities. The value of this day is here and now, right in front of you.

Life’s great abundance is here on this day for you to put to good use. Today you can choose, you can learn, you can act, and you can make real progress.

Today has limitless potential. Yet for that potential to be transformed into value, you must make use of the opportunity of today while it is here.

Today is much too valuable to waste. Its magnificent possibilities are already here, so step quickly forward and make the most of them.

Today is a priceless gift that’s yours to live right now. Joyously fill it with your own unique flavor of life and achievement.

— Ralph Marston

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