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Enthusiasm is the greatest asset in the world. It beats money, power, and influence.
-- Henry Chestor


Monday, July 2, 2012

Worth all the trouble

Life is a lot of trouble. And life is worth all the trouble.

The best things can often be the most difficult things. So instead of running or hiding from the difficulties, courageously work through them.

Life is filled with great and valuable opportunities. The most valuable of those opportunities are the ones that ask the most of you.

When the frustrations come, be thankful for the chance to learn from them. When the disappointments come, be grateful for the opportunity to reaffirm and recommit to what’s most important.

Life’s many troubles will come and go. As they do, the positive possibilities grow more numerous and magnificent.

Embrace each day along with whatever it brings. And use it to add more joy to life no matter what.

— Ralph Marston

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