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A loving silence often has far more power to heal and to connect than the most well-intentioned words.
-- Rachel Naomi Remen


Thursday, August 23, 2012

Living your purpose

The way to have a full and happy life is to live it every chance you get. The way to get beyond the excuses is to stop believing them and to start living your purpose.

Decide to see the obstacles as steps along the path rather than blockades. Let the challenges strengthen you, and let the disappointments inspire you to push more purposefully forward.

Whatever the objective, whatever the dream, there is always a way. You can find it and you can live it by thinking and acting from the perspective of purpose.

You will never be truly satisfied by superficial trinkets and shallow pleasures. Remind yourself, again and again, to put your energy into what really matters.

You deserve much better than to constantly wallow in the distractions. You deserve the exquisite experience of bringing your beautiful, unique purpose to life.

Live today, and every day, and your whole life, like you mean it, and like it is the best you can imagine. Because when you do, it is.

— Ralph Marston

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