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No one grows old by living--only by losing interest in living.
-- Marie Beynon Ray


Saturday, September 15, 2012

Participate in abundance

Let go of thoughts about what you need, and focus on the valuable things you can do with what you have. Abundance is real and present in your life, so allow yourself to see it, to embrace it, and to make positive use of it all.

Stop wishing for life to be easy, and start working to create greatness and fulfillment out of the very obstacles that are so difficult. Your investment in life is what makes it so very much worth living.

Participate in life’s abundance by forging it into meaningful value with your thoughts, actions and commitments. Be an essential part of life’s beauty by expanding and intensifying that beauty with the way you live each moment.

It is by seeking to give your best that you discover and develop and connect to the best that is within you. It is by making good and meaningful use of life’s abundance that you gain access to more and more abundance.

There is always something valuable you can do with whatever is available to you. Wherever you may be, whatever circumstances may surround you, your best option is always to work diligently toward making a positive difference.

Participate in life’s abundance by working creatively and persistently with whatever you have. Find the sweet, true fulfillment that comes from giving your best.

— Ralph Marston

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