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If you have no critics you'll likely have no success.
-- Malcolm Forbes


Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Plenty to celebrate

The way to make time your friend is to make it your workplace. The way to get time on your side is to wisely and diligently use every moment as it comes.

The hours, the days and the years will steadily pass, no matter what you do. Though you cannot do anything to stop time from passing, you can do everything to gain real value from every moment.

Make each day your day to make a difference. You are here, you are capable, you have the time that is right now, so use it for something good and meaningful.

The big opportunities come to those who take full advantage of the little opportunities. Every moment that comes is an opportunity to make a little bit of progress, and that progress quickly adds up.

Instead of wishing you had started sooner, start now. Instead of bemoaning the passage of time, make positive, fruitful use of the time you now have.

Celebrate the opportunity in each moment by giving your best effort to it. Celebrate every moment with positive, purposeful action, and you’ll have plenty to celebrate.

— Ralph Marston

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