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Action is the antidote to despair.
-- Joan Baez


Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Best response

Don’t resent the obstacle for being in your way. Figure out how to get over it, under it, around it or through it.

It’s not the end of the world when things fail to go your way. It’s the beginning of your quest to turn things around by making a positive difference.

If someone disagrees with you or criticizes you, there’s no need to take offense. Instead, take the opportunity to learn something valuable about that person’s perspective.

When you make an attempt and it doesn’t work, that’s no reason to quit. You’ve just gained priceless experience, so put it to good, effective use.

When life is negative, your best response is to be positive. In fact, you’ll find the best opportunities in the worst situations, so choose to make the most of those opportunities.

A key ingredient of success is seeing that it can happen. And it can happen whenever you choose.

— Ralph Marston

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