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Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.
-- Thomas Edison


Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Always a way forward

When you have a difficult moment or a challenging day, remember this. The moment will pass and you will eventually work your way through the difficulty.

When trouble surrounds you, it can seem like there’s nothing else. And yet, there is always a way forward.

The problems can seem overwhelming because they are so close. Remind yourself, though, that you are bigger than any of the problems you face.

Take a step away from the situation, take a deep breath, and feel your power to make a difference. Then make the commitment to act in a positive and persistent way.

Don’t let trouble get the best of you. Let it make you stronger.

No difficulty can diminish the immense value of your life. Stay positive, because you have what it takes to make it through.

— Ralph Marston

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