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Become a student of change. It is the only thing that will remain constant.
-- Anthony J. D'Angelo


Monday, December 31, 2012

Faith in the future

It is not inherently difficult to be positive, though you can make it so difficult that it is impossible for you. It is entirely realistic to have faith in the future, though you can certainly convince yourself that such faith is completely misguided.

When you do choose to live with positive faith, you’re able to journey through life in the light rather than in darkness. You give the forward-looking power of faith to your thoughts and actions.

Instead of being dismayed by the setbacks, you can be energized by them. Instead of having the desire to give up, you’ll have the determination to give more.

Your faith in the future enables you to be your best in the present. It is by envisioning the positive possibilities that you begin to make them real.

Even when the whole world seems to be falling down around you, have faith. Hold steadfastly to what is good and right, and create your future with authentic goodness in your heart.

Live with faith, and engage the power of your own best possibilities. Live with faith, and keep yourself connected to the affirmative side of life.

— Ralph Marston

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