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You get treated in life the way you teach people to treat you.
-- Dr Wayne Dyer


Saturday, January 19, 2013

The good side of life

The most effective way to prevent what’s bad is to promote what’s good. The best way to influence behavior is not to control and regulate, but to inspire and motivate.

You get more for your efforts when they’re applied in a positive direction. Instead of fighting against what you dislike, work to build and support what you value and desire.

The answer to despair is not to despise it, for that only adds to it. The answer is to overwhelm it with goodness and love.

Focus your attention and energy on what works, and make more of it. Celebrate what is good and right, useful and valuable, and allow it to grow.

Nurture, promote and support what you love about life. Delight in the good things, and give the power of your joy to them.

Be a positive force by acting with positive purpose. Give your awareness and energy to the good side of life, and make it stronger than ever.

— Ralph Marston

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