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Eternity is in love with the creations of time.
-- William Blake


Saturday, February 2, 2013

Go big

If you’re going to make the effort, make it count. If you’re going to follow a dream, follow one that really gets you excited and enthusiastic.

Life is full of grand possibilities, so don’t just settle for the mediocre ones. The days will pass, the years will pass, and as they do you can find great richness in every moment.

You are skilled and experienced at making things happen. So use those skills to make the most joyful and wonderful things happen.

Think of all you know, all you love, all you treasure, all you value and appreciate and are thankful for. Already, you are literally immersed in abundance, so make good use of it to make a whole lot more.

Your most profound and compelling desires are yours for a reason. Follow those desires and bring them to life in the most magnificent ways you can imagine.

Go big, and fulfill your beautiful destiny. Go big, and give the very best of yourself to all that is.

— Ralph Marston

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