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To create is to live twice.
-- Albert Camus


Thursday, February 28, 2013

Every day is a blessing

Some of life’s blessings are immediately obvious. There are many others that, although they don’t feel like blessings at the time, can eventually bring great value to your life.

It may seem strange to be thankful when difficulties come your way. Yet those difficulties, and your response to them, can end up making you much stronger and bringing new richness to your life.

It’s easy, and very beneficial, to be thankful when life is going great. And your gratitude can be even more powerful and appropriate when things are not going so well.

Gratitude is not merely the result of having good and valuable experiences in your life. Gratitude is an essential part of causing life’s goodness and abundance to come your way.

By being sincerely thankful, you align your life with all that is good and positive and meaningful. By being thankful, you create even more and even better things for which to be thankful.

Every day is a blessing, whether it seems like it at the time or not. Be truly thankful, and benefit from the abundance that is always there.

— Ralph Marston

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