Thursday, March 28, 2013
Your great value
Your value is not in what you try to be or in what you pretend to be. Your great value is in who you are.
It serves no purpose to blindly grab and obsess over the world’s superficial trinkets. Choose instead to allow life’s limitless abundance to flow through you in beautiful, original, unique ways.
Don’t waste your energy worrying about what you do or do not have, or about what you might or might not experience. Give joy to each moment, where you are, as it is, and find great fulfillment.
Spend this day living and being, loving, learning, caring and giving. You are alive, aware, and blessed with a world of possibilities, so act like it.
Let joy be your default setting. You can always create great value in the world by allowing the value within you to be fully expressed.
Let yourself feel how good it feels to truly be you, to be here, now. And let your great value and joy come flowing forth.
Ralph Marston
New video message from Ralph: Don't try... Allow

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