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Generosity generates income.
-- Seth Godin


Saturday, April 27, 2013

Authentic living

Do you wish to be truly rich? Then be truly you.

Your greatest asset is the unique person you are. Make full and positive use of it to make life truly rich and fulfilling.

Anything you gain through deception is not really a gain at all. It adds nothing to the richness that you seek.

Instead of striving to acquire unfair advantage, make use of the immense, authentic advantage you already have. Make use of your valuable perspective as the unique, authentic person you are.

You have great value, so live it. You have the potential for immense richness, so allow it to come through authentic living.

Give the best of who you are, of what you have, in the service of what you love. That will make your life rich beyond all measure.

— Ralph Marston

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