virgin islands scene

I recommend that the Statue of Liberty be supplemented by a Statue of Responsibility on the west coast.
-- Victor Frankl


Thursday, May 16, 2013

Improved attitude

No matter how good and positive your attitude may be, you can improve it. And when you improve your attitude, your attitude improves you.

To improve your attitude, you don’t have to deny reality. When you improve your attitude, it doesn’t mean things will be perfect.

What it means is that you’ll be more positive, more effective, and more solidly focused on the best possibilities. What it means is that you’ll live and act from a position of strength.

With an improved attitude, you can still clearly see all the problems. Yet instead of living in fear of them, you’ll choose to be bigger than those problems.

Right now, there’s a certain way you feel about life, and a certain way you expect life to be. Just think of what could happen if you made the choice to raise those expectations.

Whether you have a great attitude or a lousy one, decide today to improve it. For where your attitude goes, your life will quickly follow.

— Ralph Marston

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