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If what you did yesterday seems big, you haven't done anything today.
-- Lou Holtz


Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The way to persist

If you want your actions to have a powerful effect, repeat them. Breakthroughs come much more often from persistence than from brilliance.

The way to persist is to remind yourself of this. It’s not what has already happened that matters most, but rather what you do next.

The way to persist is to focus on your purpose, on what you have chosen to achieve, and on what you can do about it right now. Look not at the past disappointments, but at the current possibilities.

Persistence isn’t complicated, or even difficult for that matter. All you have to do to persist, is to keep making the effort, and that’s something you can do no matter what may have happened.

You owe it to yourself to look forward rather than backward. You owe it to yourself to get where you’ve chosen to go, so keep going.

There is something positive you can do at this time and in this situation. Get it done, and get the sure and steadfast power of persistence on your side.

— Ralph Marston

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