virgin islands scene

Argument is the worst sort of conversation.
-- Jonathan Swift


Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Go make something good

When life doesn’t give you much encouragement, make your own encouragement. If you can’t find anything to be positive about, create something on your own to be positive about.

Even when all the news seems to be negative, there are still plenty of positive possibilities. Choose to live your life based not on what has happened, but on the good things you can now do.

There’s nothing to be gained by being upset, so let the disappointments quickly pass. There’s everything to be gained by being creative and productive, so get yourself busy making a difference.

Yes, life is difficult and complicated and frustrating. Yet it is also miraculous in its beauty and wonder, and filled endlessly with opportunities for joy.

Go ahead, accept that the negative stuff will come, and decide not to let it get to you. Get in the habit of looking beyond the little problems and seeing the big opportunities.

If you catch yourself sulking about how unfair it all is, remind yourself that you’ve got much better things to do. Lift your eyes, lift your spirit, lift your feet off the ground and go make something good.

— Ralph Marston

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