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You can't have everything. Where would you put it?
-- Steven Wright


Friday, August 2, 2013

Be inspired

Be inspired by the opportunity that is your life. Be inspired by the possibilities that are here and now in this moment.

Let yourself be positively overwhelmed by how good it feels to simply be. Enjoy the experience of standing in awe of the miracle that is your existence within all of existence.

With each new turn of events, remind yourself how immensely fortunate you are. With each new moment, commit yourself to living up to the highest and best of your possibilities.

Get inspired by the joys, and by the difficulties too. Get inspired, again and again, by the fact that you can make a positive, meaningful difference no matter what has happened.

Feel the abundance, feel the possibilities, feel the goodness, feel the beauty, and let those feelings inspire you forward. Feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude for it all, and feel the desire to make it even better.

Be inspired, and act on your inspiration. And you’ll be amazing.

— Ralph Marston

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