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The more powerful you are, the more responsible you are to act humbly.
-- Pope Francis


Monday, August 26, 2013

The less you need

Much of what you think you need, you may not need at all. Challenge your assumptions, and free yourself of needless needs.

The less you need, the more you can enjoy. The less you need, the richer you are.

Certainly there are very real necessities and obligations in your life. But there’s nothing to be gained by piling your own invented needs on top of them.

Life might in fact be much better if you made the choice to do without some of the things you think you can’t do without. Letting go of self-imposed burdens can open many doors to new experiences and joys.

Although being needy may feel comfortable, living with positive purpose and intention feels much better. Look for opportunities to get away from your needs and into your possibilities.

Live by choice, not merely by habit. Let go of the needless needs, and feel the exquisite, empowering freedom.

— Ralph Marston

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