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To be able to do a thing, you must begin to do it, and keep on doing it until the thing is mastered.
-- James Allen


Saturday, October 5, 2013

Offer peace

Take what the world gives you and in return, offer peace. Let go of the wish that this moment could be different, and live it as it is, in your own sense of peace.

Make the effort, but don’t make it a fight. Achieve all kinds of great, wonderful and ambitious things, and achieve them with a peaceful heart.

What good is success if you must go against your own best nature to reach it? Work to succeed not through conflict, but through a peaceful, useful, helpful, loving presence.

When you find yourself thinking angry, anxious, judgmental or fearful thoughts, make the choice to make a change. Challenge yourself to think from a more peaceful perspective.

Offer peace to those around you, and most certainly to yourself. Experience the positive, highly effective power that comes from rising above the conflicts.

In the big things, and in the small matters, offer peace to life. Experience the power that authentic peace can bring to every part of your world.

— Ralph Marston

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