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You'll never find a better sparring partner than adversity.
-- Walt Schmidt


Saturday, October 12, 2013

See the goodness

What if you could eagerly look forward to the things you now resent and avoid? What if you could find genuine enjoyment in the things that now frustrate you?

The fact is, you can do all that and more. Because you are in control of the way you see each and every part of your life.

Just imagine the power and freedom of not being intimidated by those things that now intimidate you. Just imagine not being blinded by fear, frustration, resentment or envy.

Such a powerful, effective state is well within your reach, right now. It’s just a matter of making the choice to see each thing in life from a more positive perspective.

Instead of fighting against what you must do, you can be enjoying and benefiting from it. Instead of living in a world that resists you, you can be living in a world that supports you.

The quality of your life is driven by the quality of your perspective. See the goodness, and that goodness will most certainly fill your world.

— Ralph Marston

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