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A child educated only at school is an uneducated child.
-- George Santayana


Friday, December 27, 2013

Live proactively

The best time to solve a problem is before it becomes a problem. Get out in front of life and live it proactively, and you’ll be free to set your own agenda.

When you earn money before you spend it, you’ll avoid debt and make yourself financially secure. In the same way, when you do what must be done before it must be done, you avoid having to play catch up and can spend your time doing what matters.

Every moment gives you the opportunity to get ahead of life’s demands. The more wisely and productively you use each moment, the more you’ll be in control of your own destiny.

It feels good to take it easy and do nothing. It feels much, much better, though, to take it easy when this month’s work and next month’s work are already done.

It’s great to be able to deal with a problem when it arises. What’s even better, though, is to already have the solution in place before the problem ever comes.

Look ahead, plan ahead, and work ahead. Live proactively by valuing every moment for the opportunity it is, and feel how great it feels to truly get ahead.

— Ralph Marston

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