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The hardest years in life are those between ten and seventy.
-- Helen Hayes


Friday, January 31, 2014

Fulfilling journey

What matters much more than where you are is the direction you are going. That’s something you can change instantly if you wish.

You cannot create an instant achievement, yet you can instantly be headed in the direction of whatever achievement you choose. From wherever you are, there is a path and a direction.

Your task for right now is not to get all the way there. Your responsibility in this moment is to keep yourself moving in the direction that will eventually get you all the way there.

No matter how long you’ve been off track, or how far away from the path you’ve wandered, you can begin right now to get back on track. Your very next action sets your direction, so wisely choose that action and go with it.

Don’t waste your time with regrets about where you’ve been or empty wishes about where you’d like to be. Use this very moment to firmly establish and maintain a positive, meaningful direction for your life.

Whatever the challenges may be, however ambitious the goal, your direction is yours to choose in each and every moment. Choose the direction that most authentically expresses your unique value, and enjoy a truly fulfilling journey.

— Ralph Marston

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