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The universe is full of magical things, patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper.
-- Eden Phillpotts


Friday, April 4, 2014

Empowering perspective

Whatever your problems may be, you’re not going to solve them by withdrawing from life. It may seem that life has beat you down, but that doesn’t mean you have to hide from it.

The answer is not to give up on life. The answer is to give up your negative perspective.

Success does not come from avoiding the difficult things. Success comes from transcending the difficulties while transforming them into positive value.

Yes, it is painful to move forward when you feel that life is pushing against you. Yet what is even more painful is the regret you’ll feel if you don’t make the effort.

Your attitude is always your choice. No matter what is happening on the outside, you can always maintain a powerful, positive outlook on the inside.

Choose today to rise above whatever might be threatening to bring you down. Choose a perspective that empowers you, and use that power to do truly great things.

— Ralph Marston

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