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Find out what you like doing best and get someone to pay you for doing it.
-- Katherine Whitehorn


Thursday, April 10, 2014

Feel the connection

Feel your connection to others. Feel your connection to all of life, and to all that is.

Focus your awareness in a place where there is no conflict. Live at a place of acceptance and peaceful power.

Realize that you can do no harm to others without doing harm to yourself. Realize that the goodness you give is the goodness you experience.

Understand that your negative thoughts actually do create negative reality. See that your love does indeed make the world a better place.

Choose to live from a higher perspective, at a higher level of energy than the problems. Rise above the meaningless distractions and invest your time and effort in what truly matters.

Live each moment with the simple yet powerful idea that there is goodness and value to be found everywhere. Feel your connection with life’s goodness, and let it grow ever more abundant through your presence.

— Ralph Marston

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