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You can preach a better sermon with your life than with your lips.
-- Goldsmith


Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Make life great today

Today is too valuable to waste. Tomorrow you’ll wish you had made the most of today, so go ahead and do that right now.

Your life is too unique and precious to spend it drifting aimlessly. Remind yourself of what’s important to you, and do something about it, now.

Yes, there are plenty of things that can give you reasons to be discouraged and disillusioned. However, you can always give yourself even more reasons to be purposeful and enthusiastically positive.

You have within you the miracle of life. Whatever else may or may not be happening for you, there are outstanding possibilities available to you.

For those possibilities to have any value, though, you must act on them. Now is the time to do that.

Go ahead, feel your awesome potential and then get yourself busy living up to it. Make life great today by what you do with it.

— Ralph Marston

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