virgin islands scene

All glory comes from daring to begin.
-- Eugene F. Ware


Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Worth the investment

Focus not just on what is easy, convenient, comfortable, free of charge or free of risk. Focus on what is valuable and on what is possible.

To get something valuable and meaningful out of any task or experience you must put value and meaning into it. It’s worth a little inconvenience to bring more goodness into the world.

Don’t pass up the opportunity to add rich substance to life just because it is a challenge to do so. Face the challenges, make the efforts, and transform the best possibilities into reality.

You won’t learn very much if you spend all your time with people, places and thoughts that are already familiar. Go out beyond what is comfortable and familiar, and discover how very much there is to discover.

Life is amazing and absolutely worth the investment of your time and trouble, so make that investment. Life is a grand adventure, so live each day with your own sense of adventure.

Let go of the worn-out excuses and let in some real, rich, fulfilling life. Actually do what you’ll someday wish you would have done, and create a life with no regrets.

— Ralph Marston

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