Tuesday, May 27, 2014
Fresh perspective
This is a new, unique day. So don’t live it like an old one.
You have the opportunity today to learn, to grow, to achieve and to experience new things. To do so, you must exercise the courage to let go of some old, comfortable, predictable things.
Give your life some fresh, new energy today. Choose to step beyond what’s familiar and open yourself to new possibilities.
It’s easy to stay firmly and comfortably situated in your same old, habitual rut. However, it’s much more energizing and fulfilling to shake things up a bit.
Instead of listening only to those people you know you’ll agree with, consider the opinions and perspectives of those with whom you disagree. Rather than going only where you’ve already been and doing only what you’ve already done, put yourself where you can see life from a fresh perspective.
Richness in living comes from more than merely experiencing what you’ve already experienced. Much of that richness will come from discovering new ways to engage in the wondrous dance that is your life.
Ralph Marston

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