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You can chain me, you can torture me, you can even destroy this body, but you will never imprison my mind.
-- Mahatma Gandhi


Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Transform frustration

It’s easy and natural to feel frustrated with life. When you do, step back, experience the frustration, and let it motivate you, but don’t let it control you.

There is something good and right, powerful and purposeful within you that makes your frustration possible. Ask yourself what it could be.

Frustration occurs when life doesn’t unfold the way you’d like for it to. Instead of letting that extreme sense of disappointment overwhelm you, step back from it and get your bearing.

Challenge yourself to come up with a positive, measured response rather than a destructive, impulsive one. After all, you are capable of great things, so use the occasion to engage that capability.

Take the raw power of frustration and transform it into the power of positive intention. Let go of the self-defeating need to lash out, and see all the possibilities for moving forward.

Then follow through on your intention and take real, effective action. And from a frustrating situation, just as from any situation, you can always choose to triumph.

— Ralph Marston

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