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The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in a person's determination.
-- Tommy Lasorda


Saturday, June 7, 2014

Relax and get busy

It might seem like a contradiction to be active and involved while at the same time being relaxed and joyful. But there’s really no contradiction at all.

Activity and effort add great richness to life. And there’s no reason why you must be stressed and uptight about making that effort.

It’s idleness, not positive effort, that can bring so much despair to life. Avoid that despair by doing something valuable and meaningful every chance you get.

It’s great to be peaceful, relaxed, and enjoying life. And you can be all those things while putting forth disciplined, persistent, effective effort.

Don’t assume that you must wallow in idleness just to relax. Make the choice to relax and to enjoy yourself even in the busiest of times.

Life is an adventure, so live that adventure actively and enthusiastically. At the same time, relax and enjoy the process of adding real richness to your life and your world.

— Ralph Marston

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