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Success is never final and failure never fatal. It's courage that counts.
-- Jules Ellinger


Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Urging you forward

Your purpose won’t scream at you all the time. Though if it did, you’d be continually smothered in delightfully good fortune.

Purpose does whisper in every little thing, in each feeling, experience, preference, desire and joy. It is not loud yet it persistently calls, and you’re smart to listen.

Climb the challenging trail unfolding from that purpose of yours. You’ll accumulate joyous new fulfillment not only at the summit, but also all along the way.

How you feel about life says much more about you than it does about life. Pay attention to those feelings, learn what drives them, and choose to follow the unshakable, underlying yearning from which they spring.

Purpose pulls you through the struggle, then is deepened and enriched by that same struggle. When you know you must act no matter what, it is purpose urging you forward.

Find it, feel it, and allow that purpose to inform and energize all you do. Let it propel you to the rich and fulfilling life that is yours to live.

— Ralph Marston

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