virgin islands scene

The moment you think you understand a great work of art, it's dead for you.
-- Oscar Wilde


Saturday, June 28, 2014

Spectacular world

This is a spectacular world. Make the commitment, right here and now, to be a more active participant in it.

Enjoy the wonder and beauty, but do more than just enjoy. Utilize your life, your time, your skills to make a whole lot more wondrous things and experiences in this world.

You have a crazy unique song to sing and an absolutely enthralling story to tell. Tell that story and sing that song in ways that will enrich the lives around you.

Sincere thankfulness will get you everywhere. Passionately demonstrate your gratitude for this spectacular world by making it even more so.

Dive into the experience of each day with the goal of making it more fulfilling than any previous day you’ve known. As each new moment arrives, find something new and purposeful and valuable to do with it.

Remind yourself often that you’re gloriously alive in a spectacular world. Find real joy and richness in living up to that promise, again and again.

— Ralph Marston

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