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The more sand that has escaped from the hourglass of our life, the clearer we should see through it.
-- Jean-Paul Sartre


Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Put some good stuff in

Put some adventure in this day. Put some richness and meaning in this day.

Put some love, compassion, tolerance and understanding in this day. Put some action and achievement in this day.

Today is what you make it, so make it full and valuable. The day you experience will be the sum of your choices, so make those choices meaningful and beneficial.

Imagine that this day is a shopping basket which you can fill with things that express and fulfill your dreams and values. Then use the opportunity that’s right in front of you to load up your basket with richness and goodness.

Put some creativity and joy in this day. Put the very best of yourself into every moment.

This is your chance to make today a day that you’ll always look back upon and treasure. Seize the opportunity of this day to put a whole lot of good stuff into your world.

— Ralph Marston

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