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Ability is what you're capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it.
-- Lou Holtz


Thursday, August 21, 2014

A way to keep going

There is so much that must be done. And although you may not get it all finished today, you can get something done, so go ahead and do it.

Some tasks will likely take longer than you anticipated, and that can be frustrating. Yet even when the progress is slow, you are indeed making progress, so choose to be more thankful and less frustrated.

Instead of complaining about what you can’t do, put all your focus and energy into what you can do, and into what you are doing. Little by little, bit by bit, work your way forward.

One of the biggest enemies of persistence is discouragement. So refuse to be discouraged, and congratulate yourself on making one step at a time.

Plenty of things can slow you down, yet you don’t have to let anything stop you completely. Even if it’s just in a small way, you can find a way to keep going.

It feels great to know you’re making a difference, so do a little bit, and feel a little better. Keep going, and you’ll soon be amazed at how far you’ve come.

— Ralph Marston

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