virgin islands scene

All things change; nothing perishes.
-- Ovid


Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Growing ever richer

Nature’s colors turn warm when the weather begins to cool. Red leaves, orange, yellow and brown settle to the ground as shadows grow longer and days become shorter.

One season draws to a close as another one begins to appear. The world itself gives a reminder to treasure what has been while working to create new goodness, new experiences and new value.

It can be difficult to let go of what has become so familiar. Yet in that choice to move on, is the promise of new beauty and a life that’s more meaningful.

In the softly glowing ember of autumn is the sure and eventual birth of a vibrant explosion of springtime. By letting go and moving confidently forward, we enable life to grow ever richer.

Seasons change, again and again, and with each change life renews itself, becoming stronger and more robust. From the old, a new world is born, giving fresh life and energy to treasured hopes and dreams.

Look around and witness the magnificent spectacle. Join in, and let your spirit be energized by new life coming to life.

— Ralph Marston

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