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You don't pay the price for success. You enjoy the price for success.
-- Zig Ziglar


Friday, November 14, 2014

Energy level

Again and again, you’ve seen that some things raise your energy level and other things deplete your energy. So here’s a reminder to get yourself as often as possible into those energy boosting situations and stay away from whatever drains you.

Sure, that is easier said than done. Even so, it bears repeating and is important to always keep in mind.

When you have a choice, as you very often do, put yourself in places, with people, doing activities that increase your positive energy. Even a small and temporary jump in your energy level can have far reaching effects.

If there’s something that gets you down, stop complaining about it. Stop complaining, and get yourself cleanly away from it.

If there’s something that makes you enthusiastic, creative and energetic, stop merely wishing for it. Go beyond the wishing and figure out how to make it a part of your life more often.

You can live an energetic and fulfilled life every day. Just make the choices, based on what you already know and feel, to put much more good, positive energy into your experience.

— Ralph Marston

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