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Lack of will power has caused more failure than lack of intelligence or ability.
-- Flower A. Newhouse


Monday, April 6, 2015

Pleasant surprises

You don’t have to do what’s expected. You have the opportunity to do better.

You don’t have to answer anger with more anger. You can answer with understanding, cooperation and compassion.

You don’t have to answer criticism by being defensive. You can answer criticism by being open, honest, helpful and appreciative.

Look for ways to give life a pleasant surprise. Step away from the expected and predictable, and you yourself will enjoy many pleasant surprises.

Instead of just reacting by habit or by conditioning, get creative. See every encounter as your chance to make life more interesting and enjoyable.

People love pleasant surprises, so put yourself in the business of delivering them. Be surprising, in a good way, and transform life in your own unique style.

— Ralph Marston

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