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The secret of getting ahead is getting started.
-- Mark Twain


Thursday, March 2, 2017

Not the easiest

Your greatest blessings often don’t seem like it at the time. Your most valuable experiences are rarely the most enjoyable ones.

Is there something you feel the need to complain about? Instead of complaining, challenge yourself to find the value in it.

If you cannot find any positive value in the situation, challenge yourself to create some. The greatest successes are pulled, albeit with much effort, from the greatest challenges.

Enjoy life’s comforts and pleasures, but don’t let them trap you in endless mediocrity. Some of the most memorable and fulfilling times come when you venture beyond what’s comfortable and predictable.

Fulfillment is not found in a life of ease. To quench your insatiable desire to matter, to make a difference, you must necessarily endure discomfort.

The greatest things you’ll do are not the easiest things you’ll do. And that offers you the profound satisfaction that comes with investing the very best of yourself in life.

— Ralph Marston

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