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You can chain me, you can torture me, you can even destroy this body, but you will never imprison my mind.
-- Mahatma Gandhi


Monday, January 1, 2018

Pure possibility

Now is pure possibility. Live joy fully in its newborn splendor.

What seem to be limitations consist mostly of faint echoes from a reality that no longer exists. Now is as fresh as the breath you just drew in, vibrant with energy and richness.

You transcend another year, and another. The timeless purpose and love at your center, grow in abundance as they flow out from you.

Gather new beauty and carry new hope as you skip across the moments. Embrace the miracles your mind cannot explain and your heart cannot deny.

Celebrate the pure possibility of now by transforming it into new goodness. Jump at the exhilarating chance to invest your thought, action and passion.

Here, now, time and beauty, love, possibility, energy and abundance all converge. Feel the immensity of opportunity, honor it and draw upon it in every choice you make.

— Ralph Marston

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