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Action is the antidote to despair.
-- Joan Baez


Friday, January 5, 2018

Life clutter

When your desk is cluttered your work suffers. When your mind, emotions, awareness are cluttered your experience of life is diminished.

Clutter is what you repeatedly deal with that wastes the time, effort, thought and resources you expend on it. What forms of clutter have settled into your life?

How much do you say, buy, read, store away, watch, select, handle, that has no meaning to you? What elements of your life are doing little more than adding to the clutter?

You can work to rid the clutter from your garage, pantry, computer desktop, closet, and see immediate benefits. You can also drop many other kinds of physical, informational, emotional, habitual clutter, and free up vast amounts of life space.

Dig the truly meaningful aspects of your life out from under the clutter. Stop hoarding all those tired old things that don’t matter, and let them fall cleanly away.

Devote your energy to all you love, not to the worthless stuff that just gets in the way. Rid your life of the clutter, and make room to richly live.

— Ralph Marston

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