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A man's feet should be planted in his country, but his eyes should survey the world.
-- George Santayana


Friday, January 12, 2018

Dissolve the tension

You can avoid much pain by simply allowing life to not be perfect. You can achieve great, beneficial outcomes when you begin by accepting the world as it is.

Expect to do your best, and expect the best of others. Expect also to be disappointed from time to time, and decide to never take it personally.

Remind yourself how foolish it would be to turn a small setback into a week-long binge of resentment and self-pity. Remind yourself to greatly benefit yourself by quickly, peacefully letting it go.

Tires will go flat, people will disrespect you, and the rules will be changed for no logical reason. Take a deep breath, smile, and know that all is well.

All is well because you, propelled by positive purpose, can adapt, adjust and thrive. Even when the world gets crazy, you can be smart, calm, confident, effective.

Dissolve the tension, melt away the stress. Life is not perfect, and you are doing just fine.

— Ralph Marston

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