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Being your own man does not mean taking advantage of anyone else.
-- Flip Wilson


Thursday, February 1, 2018

Wish and do the work

Let your wish set your direction. Then do the work to bring that wish to life.

The moment you have the wish is the moment to take your first step in its direction. Act while your desire is strong and fresh, and establish momentum.

If all you do is wish, and then wish again, doing nothing about it, that drains energy out of your desire. Each time you express the wish without acting on it, your doubt increases while your confidence and enthusiasm erode.

Instead, demonstrate to yourself how powerful, decisive, effective you can be. Grab that wish, and experience the power of your desire as you act on it.

Forge a solid and persistent connection between desire and action. Get in the habit of immediately doing the work every time you feel the wish.

Don’t just let empty wishes fill your head again and again. Wish, and then do the work, because you deserve to bring those wishes to life.

— Ralph Marston

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